Getting Better at Math

Examination is a very realistic thing, just look at the scores, not whether you understand or not. In the exam, points are given only if the questions are correct, and no points will be given if they understand it. So what can be done right?

In mathematics learning, many students have this feeling. They clearly understand in class, but once they do their homework, they won’t be able to? I usually do the exercises, but I can’t answer them well when I get to the exam? Wait, this bunch of problems are plagued by many help kids learn math anytime and anywhere.

Here, many students made a very serious “mistake”, thinking that they would know, know, and be thorough. But in fact, mathematics learning is not necessarily good, not correct, or thorough. That is, understanding ≠ learning ≠ doing right.

So how can “understand ≠ learn ≠ do right” become “understand = learn = do right”?

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